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Author Archives: Glenn Kay

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 18th, 2017
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 18th, 2017

It’s time for another look at the highlights arriving on DVD and Blu-ray. This is a busy edition with new …Read the Rest

THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS Is More of the Same, But the Stunts Impress
Movie Reviews

THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS Is More of the Same, But the Stunts Impress

After 8 movies and a set up for more sequels after the close of The Fate of the Furious, I’ve …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 11th, 2017
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 11th, 2017

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. There’s some really interesting stuff coming out, including …Read the Rest

GOING IN STYLE Is a Toothless Remake
Movie Reviews

GOING IN STYLE Is a Toothless Remake

It has been a long time since I saw the original Going in Style (1979). So long, in fact, that …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: HOUSE: TWO STORIES: HOUSE II: THE SECOND STORY (1987)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: HOUSE: TWO STORIES: HOUSE II: THE SECOND STORY (1987)

This movie is being released as part of the House: Two Stories Blu-ray Collection by Arrow Video ( – …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: HOUSE: TWO STORIES: HOUSE (1985)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: HOUSE: TWO STORIES: HOUSE (1985)

This movie is being released as part of the House: Two Stories Blu-ray Collection by Arrow Video ( – …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 4th, 2017
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 4th, 2017

Welcome back to another look at new releases arriving on DVD and Blu-ray. Once again, there’s a wide and varied …Read the Rest

GHOST IN THE SHELL May Not Capture the Heart, But It Keeps the Eyes Captivated
Movie Reviews

GHOST IN THE SHELL May Not Capture the Heart, But It Keeps the Eyes Captivated

To be perfectly honest, while this reviewer has seen the 1995 anime feature upon which this live-action remake is based …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 28th, 2017
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 28th, 2017

Welcome to another edition chronicling the highlights coming your way on Blu-ray and DVD. There are a lot of notable …Read the Rest

LIFE Delivers Some Old-Fashioned, Creature-Feature Chills
Movie Reviews

LIFE Delivers Some Old-Fashioned, Creature-Feature Chills

Sometimes, science-fiction can challenge viewers with brave, visionary ideas about the future and our place as humans in it. Life …Read the Rest

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