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Author Archives: Glenn Kay

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for November 15th, 2016
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for November 15th, 2016

Welcome back! Time once again to check out the highlights of what’s arriving on DVD and Blu-ray. There’s definitely some …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: J’ACCUSE (1938)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: J’ACCUSE (1938)

Note: This Special Edition Blu-ray release will be available on November 15th courtesy of Arrow Video. Back in 1919, the …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: COFFEE AND CIGARETTES (2003)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: COFFEE AND CIGARETTES (2003)

Note: This Special Edition Blu-ray release will be available on November 15th courtesy of Arrow Video. Over the years, independent …Read the Rest

LOVING Is a Gentle and Sweet Tribute
Movie Reviews

LOVING Is a Gentle and Sweet Tribute

Director Jeff Nichols (Midnight Special, Mud and Take Shelter) has frequently taken on the fantastic in his movies. This includes …Read the Rest

ARRIVAL Packs An Emotional Wallop
Movie Reviews

ARRIVAL Packs An Emotional Wallop

Director Denis Villeneuve has been on a great run. His previous films, Sicario, Enemy and Prisoners have been unique films …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: C.H.U.D. (1984)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: C.H.U.D. (1984)

Note: This Special Edition Blu-ray release will be available on November 15th courtesy of Arrow Video. If you grew up …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for November 8th, 2016
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for November 8th, 2016

Welcome back to this edition of new releases on DVD and Blu-ray. It’s an eccentric mix with a lot of …Read the Rest

CHRISTINE Presents A Perceptive Character Study
Movie Reviews

CHRISTINE Presents A Perceptive Character Study

“If it bleeds, it leads.” So says the manager of an independent TV station in this dark and disturbing biopic. …Read the Rest

MOONLIGHT Is A Seamless Coming-of-age Portrait
Movie Reviews

MOONLIGHT Is A Seamless Coming-of-age Portrait

Richard Linklater spent 12 years shooting his coming-of-age feature Boyhood, all of it chronologically and in real time. It was …Read the Rest

HACKSAW RIDGE Mixes Melodrama With Brutality
Movie Reviews

HACKSAW RIDGE Mixes Melodrama With Brutality

It’s been, umm, awhile since we’ve seen a high profile Mel Gibson picture. His latest marks the first time the …Read the Rest

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