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Author Archives: Glenn Kay

Weekly DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Feb. 4th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Weekly DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for Feb. 4th

It appears as if things have settled down after a few very hectic release weeks. By comparison, there’s only a …Read the Rest

LABOR DAY for Romance Film Fans Only
Movie Reviews

LABOR DAY for Romance Film Fans Only

It may have been marketed as a serious drama or at one point even an awards contender, but it’s clear …Read the Rest

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS (ANIMATED) 2014 An Exceptionally Strong Collection
Movie Reviews

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS (ANIMATED) 2014 An Exceptionally Strong Collection

With the Academy Awards only a month away, Landmark Theatres is giving moviegoers the opportunity to check out all of …Read the Rest

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS (LIVE-ACTION) 2014 a Varied and Interesting Showcase
Movie Reviews

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS (LIVE-ACTION) 2014 a Varied and Interesting Showcase

Also opening today is The Oscar Nominated Live Action Short Films for 2014. Just as with the animated shorts (featured …Read the Rest

Weekly DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for Jan. 28th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Weekly DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for Jan. 28th

Looks like it’s another full week with some interesting releases in just about every category imaginable. As always, there are …Read the Rest

There’s No Life To Be Found In I, FRANKENSTEIN
Movie Reviews

There’s No Life To Be Found In I, FRANKENSTEIN

There have been plenty of adaptations and riffs on Mary Shelley’s classic horror novel, Frankenstein. But if any might cause …Read the Rest

THE INVISIBLE WOMAN Explores Interesting and Unusual Subject Matter
Movie Reviews

THE INVISIBLE WOMAN Explores Interesting and Unusual Subject Matter

Author Charles Dickens has been renowned as one of the greatest writers and philanthropists of the Victorian era. Despite these …Read the Rest

Weekly DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for Jan. 21st
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Weekly DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for Jan. 21st

Well, it looks like it’s another busy week with some interesting releases. As always, follow the links for full length …Read the Rest

DEVIL’S DUE Goes Down in Flames
Movie Reviews

DEVIL’S DUE Goes Down in Flames

This week brings the second found footage horror film of the month (following Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones). Devil’s Due, …Read the Rest

JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT a Reboot That Feels Obsolete
Movie Reviews

JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT a Reboot That Feels Obsolete

It’s been more than ten years since the last onscreen adventure of Jack Ryan. And it’s not difficult to see …Read the Rest

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