WHITE HOUSE DOWN: A Slice of Cinematic Cheese
Sometimes it can be difficult to rate a movie when the absurdity of it approaches a borderline camp level. Yes, …Read the Rest
Sometimes it can be difficult to rate a movie when the absurdity of it approaches a borderline camp level. Yes, …Read the Rest
At lot has changed in the past decade. The zombie, once a second-tier movie monster with a relatively small cult …Read the Rest
Looking for a new horror movie? It can be pretty difficult at times. Like any other genre, sequels and remakes …Read the Rest
Is there anyone in the western world who doesn’t know who Superman is? Since his first appearance on the printed …Read the Rest
Grade For Kids Grade For Adults Some children’s films can touch a special nerve, spinning a yarn that engages and …Read the Rest
It’s been four years, but after an impressive re-launch of the “Star Trek” franchise, director J.J. Abrams returns with the …Read the Rest
In one of the first scenes in “The Big Wedding,” Ellie (Diane Keaton) arrives at the home of her ex-husband …Read the Rest
The Evil Dead (1981) -The film was shot in Michigan and Tennessee on a budget of $350,000, raised over a …Read the Rest
Looking to break free from your place in the world and make a fresh start in life? Well, if filmmaker …Read the Rest
It’s been fifteen years or so since we’ve seen a good president-taken-hostage flick. “Air Force One” immediately springs to mind, …Read the Rest