WONDER WOMAN 1984 Improves on Its Predecessor
This film will be released theatrically on December 25th in operating cinemas and will also be available the same day for …Read the Rest
This film will be released theatrically on December 25th in operating cinemas and will also be available the same day for …Read the Rest
This animated film from Pixar Studios premieres December 25th on Disney+. For decades now, family-friendly animation studio Pixar have been …Read the Rest
The holidays are here, which means things are slowing down on the Blu-ray and DVD front. However, there are still …Read the Rest
This film from The Samuel Goldwyn Company is available for digital streaming on December 18th. We all enjoy a stiff …Read the Rest
When reviewing movies, critics like myself try to avoid discussing the film with others after seeing it. This is done …Read the Rest
This film is available for streaming on AppleTV+ on December 11th. For decades now, Pixar and Disney have been winning …Read the Rest
Welcome to another look at some of the new Blu-rays and DVDs coming your way. This edition features plenty of …Read the Rest
The Cavalry Trilogy is a famous series of westerns made for RKO Pictures by John Ford (Stagecoach, Young Mr. Lincoln, …Read the Rest
This film debuts Friday, December 4th on Netflix. Citizen Kane was a landmark film that caused a great deal of …Read the Rest