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Author Archives: Glenn Kay

7500 Uses a Unique Technique to Build and Sustain Tension
Movie Reviews

7500 Uses a Unique Technique to Build and Sustain Tension

This feature from Amazon Prime will be available to stream on Friday, June 19th. Movies featuring airline hijackings and terrorist …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for June 16th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for June 16th, 2020

Welcome back to another look at all the highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. It’s a remarkably busy week with …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for June 9th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for June 9th, 2020

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. It’s another busy edition filled with studio pictures, …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for June 2nd, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for June 2nd, 2020

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. Lots of quirky and interesting flicks arriving including …Read the Rest

THE VAST OF NIGHT Has Mood and Atmosphere to Spare
Movie Reviews

THE VAST OF NIGHT Has Mood and Atmosphere to Spare

The following feature film debuts on Amazon Prime on Friday, May 29th. With the release of so many studio movies …Read the Rest

THE HIGH NOTE Carries a Pleasing Tune
Movie Reviews

THE HIGH NOTE Carries a Pleasing Tune

This title from Focus Features will be available May 29th as a streaming rental on most platforms. There seems to …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for May 26th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for May 26th, 2020

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. Like the past few edition, this one is …Read the Rest

Sparks Don’t Fly in THE LOVEBIRDS
Movie Reviews

Sparks Don’t Fly in THE LOVEBIRDS

The Lovebirds will be streaming on Netflix starting Friday, May 22nd. In recent weeks, studios have been altering their release …Read the Rest

PATTON OSWALT: I LOVE EVERYTHING Finds the Comedian Adjusting to Life at 50
Movie Reviews

PATTON OSWALT: I LOVE EVERYTHING Finds the Comedian Adjusting to Life at 50

This Netflix comedy special will be available to view on May 19th ( I’ll admit that it’s a bit difficult …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for May 19th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for May 19th, 2020

Believe it or not, this is the busiest week in some time for new Blu-ray/DVD releases. This edition details highlights …Read the Rest

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