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Author Archives: Glenn Kay

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 24th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 24th, 2020

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This edition features some big hitters, including a …Read the Rest

BLOW THE MAN DOWN Features Great Performances and Plenty of Atmosphere
Movie Reviews

BLOW THE MAN DOWN Features Great Performances and Plenty of Atmosphere

The following feature film debuts on Amazon Prime on Friday, March 20th. Well, this week marked the delay of, well, …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: THE PASSION OF DARKLY MOON (1995)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: THE PASSION OF DARKLY MOON (1995)

The following disc is available March 24th from Arrow Video ( – as a Special Edition Blu-ray. You know your thriller …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 17th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 17th, 2020

Well, it’s been an unusual week, hasn’t it? Entertainment options in public spaces will be considerably slimmer (or nonexistent) for …Read the Rest

Feature Articles


Here are the winners! Looks like Cats was the big winner and came up with the most awards, nabbing 6, …Read the Rest

THE HUNT Isn’t Worth Pursuing
Movie Reviews

THE HUNT Isn’t Worth Pursuing

The disturbing concept of humans being hunted for sport has been used in various stories and movies over the past …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 10th, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 10th, 2020

Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. There’s a great mix of Hollywood fare and exciting …Read the Rest

ONWARD Isn’t Always Magical, But Casts a Charming Spell
Movie Reviews

ONWARD Isn’t Always Magical, But Casts a Charming Spell

Sequels and remakes have made up the majority of films over the past decade, with even animated studios getting on …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 3rd, 2020
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 3rd, 2020

Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. There’s some really interesting stuff arriving at shops, including …Read the Rest

THE INVISIBLE MAN Delivers a Few Thrills and Chills
Movie Reviews

THE INVISIBLE MAN Delivers a Few Thrills and Chills

It has been 123 years H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man hit bookshelves and 87 years since the first of many …Read the Rest

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