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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL Looks Great, But Lacks a Compelling Story
Movie Reviews

ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL Looks Great, But Lacks a Compelling Story

If you read Japanese manga, then you might be familiar with the story of the latest sci-fi epic to hit …Read the Rest

ISN’T IT ROMANTIC Pokes Fun at Genre Clichés
Movie Reviews

ISN’T IT ROMANTIC Pokes Fun at Genre Clichés

theaters. Isn’t It Romantic tries to provide a few new wrinkles to the formula with a lead character who hates …Read the Rest

Movie Reviews


This program opens in San Diego at the Ken Cinema on Friday, February 8th. In addition to the Live Action …Read the Rest

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS 2019: LIVE ACTION Contains Serious, Somber and Potent Works
Movie Reviews

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS 2019: LIVE ACTION Contains Serious, Somber and Potent Works

This program opens in San Diego at the Ken Cinema on Friday, February 8th. If you’re involved in any kind …Read the Rest

THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART Doesn’t Quite Fit Together
Movie Reviews

THE LEGO MOVIE 2: THE SECOND PART Doesn’t Quite Fit Together

Five years ago, The Lego Movie was released to unexpected acclaim and success, a surprising feat for a motion picture …Read the Rest

MISS BALA Softens Its Story’s Rough Edges and Loses Its Impact
Movie Reviews

MISS BALA Softens Its Story’s Rough Edges and Loses Its Impact

It’s probably not the best of signs when a critic begins a review stating that sometimes the best of intentions …Read the Rest

COLD WAR is Stunningly Beautiful
Movie Reviews

COLD WAR is Stunningly Beautiful

In case you’ve never seen a Polish film before, let me warn you… they can be sad, downcast and quite …Read the Rest

THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING Delivers a Bit of Magic
Movie Reviews

THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING Delivers a Bit of Magic

January is often a month for misfit films that, for one reason or another, studios don’t have a lot of …Read the Rest

GLASS is Cracked, But Contains an Oddly Intriguing Brew
Movie Reviews

GLASS is Cracked, But Contains an Oddly Intriguing Brew

In recent years, we’ve become accustomed to a deluge of superhero films from the likes of Marvel and DC. And …Read the Rest

THE UPSIDE Features Charismatic Stars Delivering Less-Than-Stellar Material
Movie Reviews

THE UPSIDE Features Charismatic Stars Delivering Less-Than-Stellar Material

This week sees the release of the comedy/drama The Upside. For those who don’t know, it’s actually a remake of …Read the Rest

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