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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

SWISS ARMY MAN Possesses a Peculiar Sense of Humor
Movie Reviews

SWISS ARMY MAN Possesses a Peculiar Sense of Humor

It’s a love story like any other. Well, okay, not really. Firstly, I must give credit where it’s due; Swiss …Read the Rest

THE LEGEND OF TARZAN Has Its Flaws, But Adds Some Interesting Elements
Movie Reviews

THE LEGEND OF TARZAN Has Its Flaws, But Adds Some Interesting Elements

It seems like Warner Brothers’ expensive attempt to reboot the Edgar Rice Burroughs character of Tarzan hasn’t been getting a …Read the Rest

THE BFG is Cute and Polished, But Dramatically Flat
Movie Reviews

THE BFG is Cute and Polished, But Dramatically Flat

As a boy, my favorite author by a country mile was Roald Dahl. Obviously, his tales, which include “Charlie and …Read the Rest

THE SHALLOWS starts Solid then becomes Simply Silly
Movie Reviews

THE SHALLOWS starts Solid then becomes Simply Silly

Oh…. That trailer. If you were to judge The Shallows solely on what is presented in THE SHALLOWS – Official …Read the Rest

Movie Reviews


20 years ago, Independence Day was the movie of the summer, breaking box office records and becoming the highest grossing …Read the Rest

THE NEON DEMON is Eccentric and Bizarre
Movie Reviews

THE NEON DEMON is Eccentric and Bizarre

Nicolas Winding Refn is one unique filmmaker. After the critical and cult success of Drive (2011), one might have expected …Read the Rest

FINDING DORY reminds you that PIXAR makes too many Pointless Sequels
Movie Reviews

FINDING DORY reminds you that PIXAR makes too many Pointless Sequels

Oh, Pixar. How do you disappoint me? Let me count the ways. Actually, there’s only one: The money grab. When …Read the Rest

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Has Some Chuckles But Lacks Smarts
Movie Reviews

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Has Some Chuckles But Lacks Smarts

It seems as though the secret agent genre has been undergoing something of a resurgence recently, with titles like Kingsman: …Read the Rest

DE PALMA Captivates With Great Backlot Stories
Movie Reviews

DE PALMA Captivates With Great Backlot Stories

If you’re a cinema aficionado, you probably have some idea of who director Brian De Palma is. Over his career, …Read the Rest

THE CONJURING 2 does not Possess the originality of the Original
Movie Reviews

THE CONJURING 2 does not Possess the originality of the Original

This week’s sequel is the follow up to one of the best horror films of the decade. The Conjuring was …Read the Rest

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