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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

DOUGH is Sweet, But Formulaic
Movie Reviews

DOUGH is Sweet, But Formulaic

Make no mistake, the British comedy/drama Dough is a very quirky and cute film. Its two lead characters are likable …Read the Rest

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Features Some Exceptional Action
Movie Reviews

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Features Some Exceptional Action

Well, we’re now 13 films into the “Marvel Cinematic Universe.” Under the circumstances, things appear to be going quite well. …Read the Rest

GREEN ROOM is an Expertly Nerve-Wrecking Experience
Movie Reviews

GREEN ROOM is an Expertly Nerve-Wrecking Experience

Geez, being a member of an indie band can be punishing, but I’ve never seen anything quite like this. The …Read the Rest

MOTHER’S DAY is Stale and Schmaltzy
Movie Reviews

MOTHER’S DAY is Stale and Schmaltzy

No matter what you may read in the coming paragraphs, make no mistake, I appreciate the work of director Garry …Read the Rest

ELVIS & NIXON Is Cute and Amusing, But Could Use More Gravitas
Movie Reviews

ELVIS & NIXON Is Cute and Amusing, But Could Use More Gravitas

I’ve just realized that I probably know far too much about popular singer Elvis Presley. Over the years I’ve read …Read the Rest

THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER’S WAR Is Chilly, Unmemorable and Unmoving
Movie Reviews

THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER’S WAR Is Chilly, Unmemorable and Unmoving

I’m not entirely sure that anyone was clamoring for it, but this week we’re receiving yet another sequel. The follow-up …Read the Rest

SING STREET Carries A Great Tune
Movie Reviews

SING STREET Carries A Great Tune

Irish director John Carney can’t seem to get enough of musicals. After the Oscar-winning Once (2007) and Oscar-nominated Begin Again …Read the Rest

THE JUNGLE BOOK Looks Stunning, is Deeply Entertaining
Movie Reviews

THE JUNGLE BOOK Looks Stunning, is Deeply Entertaining

I want to be pissed about The Jungle Book. In my fantasy bubble, movies would be wholly original. Not reimaginings …Read the Rest

CRIMINAL Wastes A Talented Cast and Crew
Movie Reviews

CRIMINAL Wastes A Talented Cast and Crew

If you do happen to find yourself in the theater watching the action/thriller Criminal this weekend, I can think of …Read the Rest

MILES AHEAD Is A Well Told But Traditional Biopic
Movie Reviews

MILES AHEAD Is A Well Told But Traditional Biopic

The next few weeks are stuffed with musically-themed projects. In addition to the biopic Miles Ahead, we’ll soon have the …Read the Rest

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