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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

ZOOTOPIA breaks from the Disney Formula
Movie Reviews

ZOOTOPIA breaks from the Disney Formula

You will notice quite early in the new Disney cartoon movie Zootopia that it is doesn’t play much like a …Read the Rest

THE WAVE Is an Old-Fashioned Disaster Movie Throwback
Movie Reviews

THE WAVE Is an Old-Fashioned Disaster Movie Throwback

While most European movies that receive a theatrical release in North America tend to be artful and introspective, make no …Read the Rest

LONDON HAS FALLEN Ruins Any Thrills With Its Nasty Undercurrent
Movie Reviews

LONDON HAS FALLEN Ruins Any Thrills With Its Nasty Undercurrent

I enjoy big goofy action movies as much as anyone. In fact, I grew up with Schwarzenegger and Stallone shoot …Read the Rest

TRIPLE 9 Is A Simple, Pulpy Tough Guy Flick
Movie Reviews

TRIPLE 9 Is A Simple, Pulpy Tough Guy Flick

Director John Hillcoat has a resume that includes plenty of rough and tumble films like The Proposition, The Road, and …Read the Rest

Types Of Workouts To Improve Your Heart Health
Movie Reviews

Types Of Workouts To Improve Your Heart Health

Try These Five Ways To Get Moving And Help Your Heart. Are you looking to improve your heart health? Regular …Read the Rest

THE WITCH Is Unusual, But May Cast an Eerie Spell On You
Movie Reviews

THE WITCH Is Unusual, But May Cast an Eerie Spell On You

Advertised as a “New England folktale”, The Witch may fall under the category of horror, but don’t go in expecting …Read the Rest

Do you Really Need to Know HOW TO BE SINGLE??
Movie Reviews

Do you Really Need to Know HOW TO BE SINGLE??

If or when you ever meet me in the streets please avoid the temptation to throw shit in my eyes. …Read the Rest

ZOOLANDER 2 Stumbles on the Runway
Movie Reviews

ZOOLANDER 2 Stumbles on the Runway

15 years may have passed since the original Zoolander, but the fashion world (and media in general) has continued to …Read the Rest

MOJAVE Broods… and Broods… and Broods…
Movie Reviews

MOJAVE Broods… and Broods… and Broods…

Sometimes, despite the best efforts of a talented cast and crew, the end result doesn’t quite hit the target. Such …Read the Rest

DEADPOOL brings some Uncanny Carnal Carnage
Movie Reviews

DEADPOOL brings some Uncanny Carnal Carnage

Are you sick of the standard superhero movies hitting the multiplexes every three and half weeks?  Bored with the same …Read the Rest

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