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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

MISTRESS AMERICA confirms that Greta Gerwig is a Rockstar
Movie Reviews

MISTRESS AMERICA confirms that Greta Gerwig is a Rockstar

Mistress America brims with fantastic wordplay. Silky, solid words delivered with quick wit and quick rhythm. Keeping up with the …Read the Rest

NO ESCAPE Is Too Ugly To Entertain
Movie Reviews

NO ESCAPE Is Too Ugly To Entertain

Here’s a movie that will likely never earn the endorsement of the Southeast Asia Tourism Board. No Escape depicts a …Read the Rest

AMERICAN ULTRA is the Best Action-Comedy since Beverly Hills Cop
Movie Reviews

AMERICAN ULTRA is the Best Action-Comedy since Beverly Hills Cop

This movie is going to be polarizing. It’s an acquired taste. You will either love it or hate it. Do …Read the Rest

HITMAN: AGENT 47 Is Dead On Arrival
Movie Reviews

HITMAN: AGENT 47 Is Dead On Arrival

Video games always make difficult transitions to film. The Hitman character was already adapted back in 2007 to poor notices. …Read the Rest

STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON: A Lesson in the Birth of a Genre
Movie Reviews

STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON: A Lesson in the Birth of a Genre

Before1988, people had no idea what was stirring in the ghetto and about to hit them in the face. Low level …Read the Rest

THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL Is Exceptionally Acted, But Doesn’t Resonate
Movie Reviews

THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL Is Exceptionally Acted, But Doesn’t Resonate

Sometimes you see a movie that’s well made and impressively performed, but as hard as you might try, it just …Read the Rest

THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. Is A Fun Assignment Worth Taking On
Movie Reviews

THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. Is A Fun Assignment Worth Taking On

With James Bond working hard to keep his newest adventures real and gritty, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. takes the reverse …Read the Rest

FANTASTIC 4 Officially Ushers in Superhero Fatigue
Movie Reviews

FANTASTIC 4 Officially Ushers in Superhero Fatigue

fan·tas·tic /fanˈtastik/ adjective imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality. “novels are capable of mixing fantastic and realistic elements” synonyms:          fanciful, …Read the Rest

THE GIFT Is A Creepy Mood Piece
Movie Reviews

THE GIFT Is A Creepy Mood Piece

While horror flicks and thriller pics from Blumhouse Productions often follow supernatural tales along the lines of Insidious, Ouija and …Read the Rest

Movie Reviews


Shaun the Sheep made his first appearance in the Wallace & Gromit short, A Close Shave, but in the years …Read the Rest

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