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I want to let you in on a little secret.

Back in 1985, I time traveled to 2015 and got a book that told me all the Academy Award winners. Every category.  Called Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan.

Cuba Jr. I knew it. Tomei, no surprise here. Costner and Gibson as Best Director? Nailed it.

But, of course, I was cheating. And this is the last year I will able to cheat so I’m coming out of the Shame Closet.

Looking back, I should have grabbed a book about sports. I could have made millions. Instead, I’ve just been able to kill it in office pools. Made $130 one year, whatever that’s worth.  

So here are my final, sure bet, Oscar predictions for 2015
BEST PICTURE- Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance): Also my personal favorite of the year.

BEST DIRECTOR- Richard Linklater: I’m predicting a split. This can also go the other way and Boyhood take best picture and Iñárritu taking director. But this is how I see it going down.

BEST ACTOR- Michael Keaton: Hardest gig in the group.

BEST ACTRESS- Julianne Moore: Because she’s winning everything.

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR- J.K. Because he’s winning everything.

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS- I’m going to go Emma Stone. Arquette probably wins but there has to be an upset somewhere and Supporting is the most likely of places.

BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY- This is the one they give to best “also ran”. Tonight it’s The Grand Budapest Hotel.
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY- The Imitation Game. Like a M. Night movie, you think its about breaking the Enigma Code but it twists at the end and becomes about the injustices against British Homosexuals.

BEST ANIMATED FEATURE- Dragon 2: Dreamworks is on hard times. Let’s be nice to Jeff.
BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM- My Fav Force Majeure is not here for some reason. It’s the Foreign Language category’s answer to The Lego Movie snub. Ida is on Netflix. Let’ go with that.

BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE- I loved Last Days of Vietnam. Taught me something. So did CitizenFour and that is what will win here.

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY- Emmanuel Lubezki for Birdman. With this and Gravity last year, he’s the big shit. Yeoman makes Budapest a joy to look at but that is a lot of Anderson’s OCD coming into play.

BEST FILM EDITING- Sandra Adair for Boyhood. Definitely took the longest time to put together. Tom Cross got that rhythm for Whiplash but won’t win even though those last 10 minutes of the movie has a lot to do with Cross’ cutting of those drums.

BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN – Adam Stockhausen (Production Design); Anna Pinnock (Set Decoration) for Budapest. Better win. That movie is 87% Production Design.

BEST COSTUME DESIGN- Feeling crazy. Let’s go Jacqueline Durran for Mr. Turner. Period and all…

BEST ORIGINAL SCORE- Alexandre Desplat is nominated every year and scores about 5 to 8 movies every 12 months. He has never won but that changes this year. For either Budapest or Game? Let’s go Imitation Game.

 I know that Everything is Awesome is Awesome. But Glory gets it from Selma.
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS- Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the greatest achievement here. Give it the Oscar.

BEST MAKEUP & HAIRSTYLING- From here out it gets tough. Let’s go Guardians of the Galaxy. I don’t really care.

BEST SOUND MIXING- I’ll refrain from any jokes here about the difference between Mixing and Editing. Nobody knows and that is a mere fact. Sound is incredibly important but they should move this to the technical award night. Let’s go Hobbit….

BEST SOUND EDITING- …. And Intersteller.

DOCUMENTARY SHORT– Always a guess. Our Curse? Sounds sad so let’s go with that one.

SHORT FILM LIVE ACTION– Another guess. Love the title so I go with Boogaloo and Graham.

SHORT FILM ANIMATED– In betting on Disney’s Feast.

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