CinemaStance Dot Com
HOME Isn’t A Place Worth Visiting
Movie Reviews

HOME Isn’t A Place Worth Visiting

Dreamworks Animation has had an impressive run of films lately, including Mr. Peabody & Sherman and How to Train Your …Read the Rest

GET HARD will excite the Ferrell/Hart Fan
Movie Reviews

GET HARD will excite the Ferrell/Hart Fan

Comedies are tough to write about. I find it to be the most subjective genre of them all. One man’s …Read the Rest

IT FOLLOWS is Complex and Unsettling
Movie Reviews

IT FOLLOWS is Complex and Unsettling

It seems simple. In fact, the IMDB synopsis goes like this: “After a young girl gets involved in a sexual …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: NIGHT GAME (1989)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: NIGHT GAME (1989)

Blu-ray Release Date: March 31, 2015 I grew up in the 80s and saw as many movies as I could …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: WITHOUT A CLUE (1988)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: WITHOUT A CLUE (1988)

Blu-ray Release Date: March 31, 2015 If you’ve been reading the DVD/Blu-ray New Release Roundup column, you may have noticed …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 24th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 24th

Greetings once again for a roundup of the week’s highlights on Blu-ray and DVD. As always, there’s an interesting mix …Read the Rest

Sean Penn as the Next Elder Ass Kicker in THE GUNMAN
Movie Reviews

Sean Penn as the Next Elder Ass Kicker in THE GUNMAN

The Great American Action Hero is growing old. I mean this literally, figuratively, metaphorically. The genre dominated the 80’s with …Read the Rest

THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT Is A Minor Improvement But Remains For Fans Only
Movie Reviews

THE DIVERGENT SERIES: INSURGENT Is A Minor Improvement But Remains For Fans Only

First things first – frankly, I don’t exactly fall within the target audience range for The Divergent Series (based on …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 17th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 17th

It’s a busy week once again with plenty of variety and all sorts of curious releases coming your way. As …Read the Rest

RUN ALL NIGHT Does Its Simple Job With Style and Efficiency
Movie Reviews

RUN ALL NIGHT Does Its Simple Job With Style and Efficiency

Over the past seven or eight years, we’ve seen actor Liam Neeson play too many tough guys to count. He’s …Read the Rest

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