CinemaStance Dot Com
MOOD INDIGO is a Whimsical Tragedy?
Movie Reviews

MOOD INDIGO is a Whimsical Tragedy?

Mood Indigo playing an exclusive engagement in San Diego at the Ken Cinema. Details HERE  Michel Gondry’s filmmaking has developed two …Read the Rest

LUCY Is Bizarre Fun, But Still Feels Like a Missed Opportunity
Movie Reviews

LUCY Is Bizarre Fun, But Still Feels Like a Missed Opportunity

French director Luc Besson is famous for bringing fantastical and stylized action films to the screen, most notably in titles …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 22nd
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 22nd

Good afternoon all, and welcome to this week’s rundown of all that is new on home video. Frankly, it’s a …Read the Rest

THE PURGE: ANARCHY is an Unfocused, Silly Jumble
Movie Reviews

THE PURGE: ANARCHY is an Unfocused, Silly Jumble

Another week, another sequel. This horror follow-up to the surprise 2013 hit continues to depict a night filled with screams, …Read the Rest

Movie Reviews


“I’ve never believed in doing sequels. I didn’t want to waste the time I have doing a sequel; I’d rather …Read the Rest

SEX TAPE isn’t Much of a Turn On
Movie Reviews

SEX TAPE isn’t Much of a Turn On

Jason Segel  and Cameron Diaz have never been married. Not to each other, not to other people. I don’t mean …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 15th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 15th

It’s that time of the week again when we provide highlights of Tuesday’s DVD and Blu-ray releases. As always, click …Read the Rest

BOYHOOD is a Living Time Capsule- One of the Best of the Year
Movie Reviews

BOYHOOD is a Living Time Capsule- One of the Best of the Year

Life passes by as a collection of moments. You are born. You learn to walk and then talk. School, love, …Read the Rest

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Delivers More than Simple Action and Spectacle
Movie Reviews

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Delivers More than Simple Action and Spectacle

It isn’t often that a sequel to a loose remake of an original property turns out well – in fact, …Read the Rest

VENUS IN FUR Features Exceptional Performances
Movie Reviews

VENUS IN FUR Features Exceptional Performances

Apparently, Roman Polanski can’t get enough of the theatre. Following Carnage just two years ago, the director has adapted yet …Read the Rest

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