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Act of Valor: Realistic Rambo
Movie Reviews

Act of Valor: Realistic Rambo

The exciting new action film “Act of Valor” proves two undeniable things about our Navy Seals: 1) They are an …Read the Rest

Wanderlust is the Funniest Movie of the Year      (so far)
Movie Reviews

Wanderlust is the Funniest Movie of the Year (so far)

Click here for my interview with co-writer/co-star Ken Marino There is a point about midway through “Wanderlust” where Paul Rudd …Read the Rest

The Life and Work of David Wain
Feature Articles

The Life and Work of David Wain

Actually, looking at the title of the piece, I’m having second thoughts. “The Life and Work of David Wain” insinuates …Read the Rest

A Late to the Party Review: Paranormal Activity 3
Movie Reviews

A Late to the Party Review: Paranormal Activity 3

With every “Paranormal Activity” release comes the use of a different camera technique. The original film was plenty happy to …Read the Rest

Martha Marcy May Marlene Avalible on Blu-ray/ DVD February 21st
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Martha Marcy May Marlene Avalible on Blu-ray/ DVD February 21st

“Martha Marcy May Marlene” is a low-fi, slice-of-dreary-life art-house drama that exists solely to establish Elizabeth Olsen as an actor …Read the Rest

The Vow is barely worth a walk down the Aisle
Movie Reviews

The Vow is barely worth a walk down the Aisle

Movies based on true stories can be harrowing, unbelievable, and eye opening and sometimes they are an opportunity for us …Read the Rest

Chronicle Flawed but worth a look
Movie Reviews

Chronicle Flawed but worth a look

Let’s get out our Hollywood chemistry sets and discuss the new action fantasy “Chronicle”. The flick is more mixture than …Read the Rest

The Magic of Hugo- Oscar Propaganda at its finest
Feature Articles

The Magic of Hugo- Oscar Propaganda at its finest

Check out this 6 minute featurette that covers the making of “Hugo,” Scorsese’s love letter to cinema that received more …Read the Rest

A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas Available on Blu-ray/DVD February 7th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas Available on Blu-ray/DVD February 7th

Buy it 2/7/12 on Blu-ray Combo Pack with UltraViolet Digital Copy and Download to Own. To be perfectly honest, I …Read the Rest

New Trailer: The Hunger Games
News Articles

New Trailer: The Hunger Games

I’m trying not to turn into a screaming fanboy about this film but the truth is I am all about …Read the Rest

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