“My Week with Marilyn” Review- Slight but facinating
“My Week with Marilyn” operates just as it is meant. The film is an hour and 40 minutes of pristine …Read the Rest
“My Week with Marilyn” operates just as it is meant. The film is an hour and 40 minutes of pristine …Read the Rest
The best compliment that can be given to “The Muppets” is that it feels like a Muppet movie. The cheerful …Read the Rest
With “Hugo,” Martin Scorsese has made a beautiful lesson on the history of cinema. While the film has the sensibilities …Read the Rest
I’m so in love with the movies that it borders on obsession. My world has been like this as long …Read the Rest
From the makers of “Valentine’s Day” comes the new romantic comedy “New Year’s Eve”. Read it aloud if you have …Read the Rest
There is a scene early in “The Descendents” where George Clooney reacts to the news that his wife is going …Read the Rest
Looks like 2012 is going to be another year of redos, do-overs and deja-vu. This time in glorious 3D!!! Following …Read the Rest
We need more sex in the cinemas. Nudity too. Violence we have covered but a little more nasty would be …Read the Rest
One of next year’s most anticipated blockbusters just got a whole lot more anticipated!! The first full-length trailer is now …Read the Rest
Do you remember when Adam Sandler used to make dumb movies that were actually funny? Think hard. Movies like “Billy …Read the Rest