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Tag Archives: Action

LET HIM GO Features Fine Performances, But a Predictable Story
Movie Reviews

LET HIM GO Features Fine Performances, But a Predictable Story

In-laws can be a pain, but few are as much trouble as those featured in the new period drama, Let …Read the Rest

UNHINGED Dispatches Some Pulpy Jolts
Movie Reviews

UNHINGED Dispatches Some Pulpy Jolts

This film is opening Friday, August 21st at open movie theaters and presumably some drive-ins. Streaming options have yet to …Read the Rest

THE OLD GUARD is a Little Musty
Movie Reviews

THE OLD GUARD is a Little Musty

The following feature will be available for steaming on Netflix Friday, July 10th. There can be only one… actually, four… …Read the Rest

MY SPY is Amiable, but Unmemorable
Movie Reviews

MY SPY is Amiable, but Unmemorable

This film will available for streaming June 26th on Amazon Prime. Over the years, we’ve seen plenty of films about …Read the Rest

THE HUNT Isn’t Worth Pursuing
Movie Reviews

THE HUNT Isn’t Worth Pursuing

The disturbing concept of humans being hunted for sport has been used in various stories and movies over the past …Read the Rest

THE RHYTHM SECTION Doesn’t Hit the Right Notes
Movie Reviews

THE RHYTHM SECTION Doesn’t Hit the Right Notes

Ever wonder about the origins of superspy James Bond and asked yourself questions like whether a personal trauma during his …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: ROBOCOP (1987)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: ROBOCOP (1987)

The following disc will be released on November 26th by Arrow Video ( – as a 2-Disc Limited Edition Collector’s …Read the Rest

BLACK AND BLUE Offers B-Movie Thrills, But Little Depth
Movie Reviews

BLACK AND BLUE Offers B-Movie Thrills, But Little Depth

Sometimes, you attend a film screening and the movie isn’t quite what you anticipated. Occasionally, this can be a good …Read the Rest

GEMINI MAN Doesn’t Make a Lasting Impression
Movie Reviews

GEMINI MAN Doesn’t Make a Lasting Impression

Director Ang Lee is responsible for several award-winning cinematic works, including Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Brokeback Mountain and Life of …Read the Rest

AD ASTRA is Absorbing and Features a Few Wondrous Sights
Movie Reviews

AD ASTRA is Absorbing and Features a Few Wondrous Sights

If any scientists out there are planning on building a lab in space, they might want to check out the …Read the Rest

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