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Tag Archives: adventure

CAPTAIN MARVEL Isn’t Marvelous, But Does Enough to Keep Fans Entertained
Movie Reviews

CAPTAIN MARVEL Isn’t Marvelous, But Does Enough to Keep Fans Entertained

This week marks the first of three Marvel Cinematic Universe movies arriving in theaters this year. Set well before the …Read the Rest

THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING Delivers a Bit of Magic
Movie Reviews

THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING Delivers a Bit of Magic

January is often a month for misfit films that, for one reason or another, studios don’t have a lot of …Read the Rest

AQUAMAN Has a Few Moments But is Mostly Soggy
Movie Reviews

AQUAMAN Has a Few Moments But is Mostly Soggy

Back in the 90s, a movie featuring a comic villain parodying over-the-top action and spy movies requested, “…sharks with frickin’ …Read the Rest

Movie Reviews


Audiences have certainly gotten a lot of Spider-Man over the past 15 years, including a film franchise, a rebooted franchise, …Read the Rest

THE MEG Delivers Fun Summer Chum
Movie Reviews

THE MEG Delivers Fun Summer Chum

A word of warning… this reviewer has liked a surprising number of movies featuring killer sea life. I’m not one …Read the Rest

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT Succeeds… as Long as Its Characters are Throwing Haymakers
Movie Reviews

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT Succeeds… as Long as Its Characters are Throwing Haymakers

Now six movies into this action franchise, actor Tom Cruise appears to show no signs of slowing down. Mission: Impossible …Read the Rest

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM Offers A Few Thrills, But Doesn’t Compare With Its Predecessor
Movie Reviews

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM Offers A Few Thrills, But Doesn’t Compare With Its Predecessor

The latest film in this hugely popular franchise is said to be part of a trilogy. After viewing Jurassic World: …Read the Rest

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY Succeeds Courtesy of Its Distinctive Characters
Movie Reviews

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY Succeeds Courtesy of Its Distinctive Characters

Much like the Marvel comic universe, it has gotten to the point where we can now expect a new Star …Read the Rest

RAMPAGE Can’t Find the Right Tone
Movie Reviews

RAMPAGE Can’t Find the Right Tone

It appears that adapting video games to feature film may be one of the trickiest tasks there is. After decades …Read the Rest

READY PLAYER ONE Has Fun Moments, But Feels Hollow
Movie Reviews

READY PLAYER ONE Has Fun Moments, But Feels Hollow

Maybe I’m getting old. Or perhaps I’m just in a grouchy mood this week. Ready Player One is a fantasy …Read the Rest

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