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Category Archives: DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 14th, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 14th, 2023

Welcome to another examination of highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. It’s an extremely busy week, filled with award nominees, …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 7th, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 7th, 2023

Welcome to another look at some of the latest Blu-ray and DVD highlights. This edition is a little quieter, but …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 28th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 28th

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. It’s a remarkably busy edition with plenty of …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: MILLIONAIRES’ EXPRESS (1986)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: MILLIONAIRES’ EXPRESS (1986)

This 2-disc limited edition Blu-ray is now available from Arrow Video. If you enjoy martial arts movies, then you’ll no …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 21st, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 21st, 2023

Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. Once again, it’s an interesting edition with a wide …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 14th, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 14th, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day! Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. Even though the big February holiday …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: A WOMAN KILLS (1968)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: A WOMAN KILLS (1968)

This Blu-ray from Radiance Films is currently available for purchase. Over the years, I’ve reviewed many Blu-rays under the “Blasts …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 7th, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 7th, 2023

Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This edition includes a major studio blockbuster, as well …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 31st, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 31st, 2023

Hello and welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. It’s another extremely busy edition with tons …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 24th, 2023
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 24th, 2023

Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This week sees a mix of some studio fare, …Read the Rest

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