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Category Archives: DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for August 10th, 2021
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for August 10th, 2021

Welcome back to another busy week of Blu-ray and DVD releases. Once again, there’s a wide variety of titles to …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: SIEGE (1983) aka SELF DEFENSE
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: SIEGE (1983) aka SELF DEFENSE

This title is currently available on Blu-ray from Severin Films. While Canada has a relatively small film industry in comparison …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 27th, 2021
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 27th, 2021

Welcome back to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This edition includes a massive hit and some …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 20th, 2021
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 20th, 2021

Welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This is yet another busy edition filled with interesting …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: DEAD & BURIED (1981)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: DEAD & BURIED (1981)

This Limited Edition 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + CD package from Blue Underground will be available for purchase on …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: INVADERS OF THE LOST GOLD (1982)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: INVADERS OF THE LOST GOLD (1982)

This Blu-ray is currently available from Severin films. In 1981, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas took the world by storm …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 13th, 2021
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 13th, 2021

Welcome back to another look at some of the highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This is a very busy …Read the Rest

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: MR. JEALOUSY (1997)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts from the Past! Blu-ray Review: MR. JEALOUSY (1997)

This Blu-ray title from MVD Visual is currently available for purchases at most retail outlets. Writer/director Noah Baumbach made a …Read the Rest

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 6th, 2021
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for July 6th, 2021

Welcome back to another look at Blu-rays and DVDs that are arriving on store shelves. It seems as though this …Read the Rest

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