Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Available on Blu-ray/DVD March 20th
“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” available on Blu-ray Combo pack with Ultraviolet, DVD and On-Demand 3/20. Dense and intriguing, “Tinker Tailor …Read the Rest
“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” available on Blu-ray Combo pack with Ultraviolet, DVD and On-Demand 3/20. Dense and intriguing, “Tinker Tailor …Read the Rest
“The Sitter” available on Blu-ray Combo pack, DVD and for download 3/20. Jonah Hill is a very funny man. From …Read the Rest
While watching “Wizards” think to yourself “Thirty-five years ago, this is what a PG rated movie for kids looked like.” …Read the Rest
“The Descendants” available on Blu-ray Combo pack, DVD and for download 3/13. There is a scene early in “The Descendents” …Read the Rest
“Happy Feet Two” available on Blu-ray Combo pack, DVD and for download 3/13 Be sure to check out the free Happy Feet …Read the Rest
Was it not Socrates who said? “All men’s souls are Immortal But the souls of the Righteous Are Immortal and …Read the Rest
“Martha Marcy May Marlene” is a low-fi, slice-of-dreary-life art-house drama that exists solely to establish Elizabeth Olsen as an actor …Read the Rest
Buy it 2/7/12 on Blu-ray Combo Pack with UltraViolet Digital Copy and Download to Own. To be perfectly honest, I …Read the Rest
Justin Timberlake is a modern day renaissance man. Sit back and be amazed by his musical accomplishments, his comedic prowess …Read the Rest
I am of an age where it’s entirely possible to hold Jack Black and Steve Martin in the same …Read the Rest