Introducing: Greg’s Movie Night!!
Note from Editor: We are incredibly excited to provide for you a new series of features articles written by a …Read the Rest
Note from Editor: We are incredibly excited to provide for you a new series of features articles written by a …Read the Rest
It’s been a busy year, hasn’t it? As the holiday season closes in, it’s time to share my year-end best …Read the Rest
As I sit and contemplate 2015’s cinematic entertainment it is pretty apparent that this was a great year. Superhero movies …Read the Rest
As a member of the SDFCS I can say with complete bias that this is a nice list!!!! San Diego …Read the Rest
The buddy. The best friend. Aide, assistant, colleague and companion. A coadjutor, if you will. There are a lot of …Read the Rest
Did you know that Johnny Depp produced “Hugo”? It’s true. At least he is listed as one of the producers …Read the Rest
Well, it’s been a while since I wrote anything and I got that itch. In order to scratch said itch, …Read the Rest
Behold a piece of art that is 37,000 years old if science is to be trusted. This slightly pre-dates the …Read the Rest
You probably noticed in the last few months the good people here at Cinemastance have released a series of articles …Read the Rest
It’s going to be a slow roll out for the documentary Dark Star: H.R. Giger’s World so we’d like to …Read the Rest