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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews


Remember that slew of eccentric and charming British comedies in the 80’s and 90’s that included Local Hero, Waking Ned …Read the Rest

THE SIGNAL Shines Brightly But Eventually Flickers Out
Movie Reviews

THE SIGNAL Shines Brightly But Eventually Flickers Out

It’s always great to see small independent features compete with big scale summer blockbusters. Without a doubt, The Signal boasts …Read the Rest

EDGE OF TOMORROW is Solid Sci Fi that Should have been called GROUNDHOG D-DAY
Movie Reviews

EDGE OF TOMORROW is Solid Sci Fi that Should have been called GROUNDHOG D-DAY

Before I get into the good stuff and begin theorizing what bizarre rituals Tom Cruise has attended to freeze the …Read the Rest

THE FAULT IN OUR STARS Destined to Fill Theater Lobbies With Teary-Eyed Tweens
Movie Reviews

THE FAULT IN OUR STARS Destined to Fill Theater Lobbies With Teary-Eyed Tweens

Among all of the big summer blockbusters, it’s a surprise that one of the season’s most anticipated releases is a …Read the Rest

MALEFICENT Tells A Fractured Fairy Tale
Movie Reviews

MALEFICENT Tells A Fractured Fairy Tale

Disney’s Maleficent isn’t so much a spin-off of Sleeping Beauty as it is a retelling of the story from the …Read the Rest

A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST Is Clumsy But Still Ekes Out A Few Laughs
Movie Reviews

A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST Is Clumsy But Still Ekes Out A Few Laughs

One certainly can’t criticize Family Guy and Ted creator/writer/producer/director Seth MacFarlane for resting on his laurels. His latest comedy effort, …Read the Rest

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Provides Thrills Without Sacrificing Its Characters
Movie Reviews

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Provides Thrills Without Sacrificing Its Characters

Boasting a massive cast spanning two different film series, it would be easy to assume that X-Men: Days of Future …Read the Rest

BLENDED – A Meandering Effort With Tired, Lowbrow Yuks
Movie Reviews

BLENDED – A Meandering Effort With Tired, Lowbrow Yuks

After a string of disappointing titles, Blended reunites Adam Sandler with Drew Barrymore, a co-star with whom he’s had a …Read the Rest

GODZILLA Entertains, But Could Use More of Its Title Character
Movie Reviews

GODZILLA Entertains, But Could Use More of Its Title Character

It has been 60 years since Godzilla was introduced on movie screens, but over that time very little seems to …Read the Rest

THE DOUBLE Brings Both Chuckles and Chills
Movie Reviews

THE DOUBLE Brings Both Chuckles and Chills

Coming just a few months after the similarly themed Enemy, The Double tells the tale of an identity-challenged man whose …Read the Rest

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