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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

NEIGHBORS Manages To Earn A Passing Grade
Movie Reviews

NEIGHBORS Manages To Earn A Passing Grade

If there’s one thing to learn from the comedy Neighbors, it’s… well… actually, it’s very hard to determine if there …Read the Rest

LOCKE Is An Absorbing One-Man Show
Movie Reviews

LOCKE Is An Absorbing One-Man Show

Watching a character relay a lengthy and detailed description of the steps needed to lay a concrete foundation hardly sounds …Read the Rest

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Spins A Complicated But Intriguing Web
Movie Reviews

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Spins A Complicated But Intriguing Web

It may only be the beginning of May, but to movie studios that means it’s the beginning of the summer …Read the Rest

THE QUIET ONES Raises Some Modest Scares
Movie Reviews

THE QUIET ONES Raises Some Modest Scares

Fans of old Hammer horror films will certainly recognize and appreciate the decidedly retro feel of The Quiet Ones. Truthfully, …Read the Rest

THE OTHER WOMAN Fails to Maximize Its Potential
Movie Reviews

THE OTHER WOMAN Fails to Maximize Its Potential

There is a general rule of thumb about scatological humor that I try to enforce as a reviewer. Yes, a …Read the Rest

BRICK MANSIONS Doesn’t Improve Upon Its Source Material
Movie Reviews

BRICK MANSIONS Doesn’t Improve Upon Its Source Material

Back in 2004, the relatively small French film District 13 made a big splash. Or at least it made an …Read the Rest

TRANSCENDENCE Can’t Overcome a Weak Finale
Movie Reviews

TRANSCENDENCE Can’t Overcome a Weak Finale

Cinematographer Wally Pfister has been responsible for shooting some of the best looking movies in recent years, including The Prestige …Read the Rest

DOM HEMINGWAY Is a Charismatic Hooligan
Movie Reviews

DOM HEMINGWAY Is a Charismatic Hooligan

The new film Dom Hemingway features a lead character who isn’t easy to like. Frankly put, he’s an arrogant, violent …Read the Rest

OCULUS Sends a Few Jolts Down the Spine
Movie Reviews

OCULUS Sends a Few Jolts Down the Spine

It can be very tough to make an inanimate object a source of pure terror. The new film Oculus attempts …Read the Rest

DRAFT DAY Is a Passable Second Round Pick
Movie Reviews

DRAFT DAY Is a Passable Second Round Pick

Director/producer Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters, No Strings Attached) takes a break from the comedy genre with Draft Day, a drama set …Read the Rest

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