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Category Archives: Movie Reviews

Strong Acting, Heavy Violence in Lawless
Movie Reviews

Strong Acting, Heavy Violence in Lawless

Hell hath no fury as Shia LaBeouf scorned. I think that’s from a Greek play but don’t quote me. As …Read the Rest

Hit & Run is a Love Letter to Car Movies and Kristen Bell
Movie Reviews

Hit & Run is a Love Letter to Car Movies and Kristen Bell

The news borders on a being a revelation: Dax Shepard is a man of many skills. Who knew? With his …Read the Rest

Paranorman has plenty of Brains
Movie Reviews

Paranorman has plenty of Brains

“Paranorman” is a rare family film that doesn’t waste time pandering to its target audience: children. The film isn’t necessarily …Read the Rest

The Bourne Legacy doesn’t need a Bourne to be Badass
Movie Reviews

The Bourne Legacy doesn’t need a Bourne to be Badass

So what happens when Matt Damon decides he doesn’t want to do another “Bourne” movie? You have to get inventive. …Read the Rest

The Campaign is Silly Enough to Satisfy
Movie Reviews

The Campaign is Silly Enough to Satisfy

The process of political campaigning can be a more than a bit dry and drawn out. However, this isn’t the …Read the Rest

Total Recall is Completely Forgettable
Movie Reviews

Total Recall is Completely Forgettable

Do you remember the original “Total Recall”? Based on a short story by Phillip K. Dick, the film was a …Read the Rest

The Watch Tries for Something Different
Movie Reviews

The Watch Tries for Something Different

For a summer comedy, “The Watch” certainly attempts to try something different. Sadly, at times the many things it attempts …Read the Rest

An Argument for an All Dance Version of Step Up Revolution
Movie Reviews

An Argument for an All Dance Version of Step Up Revolution

The issue with “Step Up Revolution,” as is true will all the “Step Up” movies that preceded it, is that …Read the Rest

The Dream is over for The Queen of Versailles
Movie Reviews

The Dream is over for The Queen of Versailles

Had things gone as planned, “The Queen of Versailles” would have just been a glorified episode of MTV’s “Cribs”. Documentarian …Read the Rest

The Dark Knight needs a better Foe for Finale
Movie Reviews

The Dark Knight needs a better Foe for Finale

When the credits begin to roll and the house lights come up the audience will cheer. There is no doubt …Read the Rest

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