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Tag Archives: Disney

DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for Oct. 7th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for Oct. 7th

It’s another very, very busy week for DVDs and Blu-rays with numerous options. As always, this column exists to inform …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for August 12th
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for August 12th

As always, it is another busy week with plenty of choices in a wide variety of genres. Be sure to …Read the Rest

MALEFICENT Tells A Fractured Fairy Tale
Movie Reviews

MALEFICENT Tells A Fractured Fairy Tale

Disney’s Maleficent isn’t so much a spin-off of Sleeping Beauty as it is a retelling of the story from the …Read the Rest

New Trailer – BIG HERO 6

New Trailer – BIG HERO 6

Here’s the first trailer for Disney’s upcoming animated effort Big Hero 6. It doesn’t give away much plot information, but …Read the Rest

DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for April 1st
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

DVD/Blu-Ray Roundup for April 1st

Happy April Fool’s Day! Truthfully, there isn’t a whole lot in the way of new releases this week, but read …Read the Rest

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS (ANIMATED) 2014 An Exceptionally Strong Collection
Movie Reviews

OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS (ANIMATED) 2014 An Exceptionally Strong Collection

With the Academy Awards only a month away, Landmark Theatres is giving moviegoers the opportunity to check out all of …Read the Rest

Movie Reviews


I’m getting pretty pissed at Pixar. The animation studio used to be a creative juggernaut that produced a steady stream …Read the Rest

FRANKENWEENIE is Alive!! Again!!!
Movie Reviews

FRANKENWEENIE is Alive!! Again!!!

Please allow me to illustrate a point about Tim Burton’s career by presenting to you an analogy featuring the Irish …Read the Rest

FINDING NEMO is Gorgeous in 3D
Movie Reviews

FINDING NEMO is Gorgeous in 3D

The next Pixar gem to be transformed into a Pixar-Disney 3D experience is the awe-inspiring, “Finding Nemo”. Those who have …Read the Rest

Introducing Katie Sever!!!!
Feature Articles

Introducing Katie Sever!!!!

Hello All!  As a new reviewer for I thought I would introduce myself the only way I know how!  …Read the Rest

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