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Tag Archives: drama

Movie Reviews


If you like deadpan humor, have I got the picture for you. Hunt for the Wilderpeople is the latest from …Read the Rest

SWISS ARMY MAN Possesses a Peculiar Sense of Humor
Movie Reviews

SWISS ARMY MAN Possesses a Peculiar Sense of Humor

It’s a love story like any other. Well, okay, not really. Firstly, I must give credit where it’s due; Swiss …Read the Rest

THE LEGEND OF TARZAN Has Its Flaws, But Adds Some Interesting Elements
Movie Reviews

THE LEGEND OF TARZAN Has Its Flaws, But Adds Some Interesting Elements

It seems like Warner Brothers’ expensive attempt to reboot the Edgar Rice Burroughs character of Tarzan hasn’t been getting a …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (1976)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (1976)

The following title is being released on Blu-ray and DVD on June 21st by Olive Films. Back in 1970, A …Read the Rest

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: FRENCH POSTCARDS (1979)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blasts From the Past! Blu-ray Review: FRENCH POSTCARDS (1979)

This Blu-ray is being released by Olive Films on May 24th, 2016. Here’s an interesting title I missed during its …Read the Rest

MOTHER’S DAY is Stale and Schmaltzy
Movie Reviews

MOTHER’S DAY is Stale and Schmaltzy

No matter what you may read in the coming paragraphs, make no mistake, I appreciate the work of director Garry …Read the Rest

MILES AHEAD Is A Well Told But Traditional Biopic
Movie Reviews

MILES AHEAD Is A Well Told But Traditional Biopic

The next few weeks are stuffed with musically-themed projects. In addition to the biopic Miles Ahead, we’ll soon have the …Read the Rest

Blu-ray Review: THE FOOL aka DURAK (2014)
DVD/Blu Ray Reviews

Blu-ray Review: THE FOOL aka DURAK (2014)

Note: This title is arriving on Blu-ray from Olive Films on April 19th. If you’re a fan of dark and …Read the Rest

DEMOLITION Salvages Some Interesting Bits and Pieces
Movie Reviews

DEMOLITION Salvages Some Interesting Bits and Pieces

Despite its title, Demolition is not the nickname of a new action hero or a flick about a construction site …Read the Rest

EVERYBODY WANTS SOME!! Meanders But Has Its Moments
Movie Reviews

EVERYBODY WANTS SOME!! Meanders But Has Its Moments

Occasionally, there’s a downside to seeing so many movies. When one really makes an impression on you, it’s tough for …Read the Rest

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